Wednesday, March 09, 2005

The mighty Duhks

I'd highly recommend this cd I just ordered from amazon. It's the self-titled album by the band "The Dukhs". They are wacky Canadians from the icebox that is Winnipeg, Manitoba. As their website describes them:

The Duhks' music-- "contemporary acoustic," "progressive soul-grass," and “kick-ass rock/folk fusion” [are] just a few of the attempts to classify the group.

There are elements appropriated from Irish fiddle tunes, Canadian French and Scots/Maritime folk, and Appalachian Old Time string band in their high-energy music--but from the first sight of The Duhks (pronounced as in "That's Just Ducky" and "Ducks a' L'Orange"), you know that no stab in the classifying dark can quite capture the synthesis and musical attack of this crew.

It's a great mix of music whether you're in the mood to lie on your bed and listen or dance jigs around the room. The website has some real audio clips and a link to the NPR story about them (how I heard about them). Enjoy!


Blogger Plantation said...

Hmmm, will have to check it out. Tks for the heads up.

6:25 AM  

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