Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Radio, What would life be like without it?

I love music. I can't play a single note on an instrument, but I love listening to it. I'm not talking about classical music. I think it's incredible music, but I don't know very much about it, and this blog is about something else.
I'm talking about pop music. It's that song that comes on the radio, grabs your attention and holds it for 4 minutes as you're singing along.
I also love the idea of radio. The fact that you can turn it on, hear a dj play an interesting mix of music: some songs you know and love, and some you've never heard before, but the dj thinks they are so incredible that you'll catch on after one or two listens.
Of course, pop radio is never really like that. It's filled with the same 20 songs across the country that have been tested and well researched. It's so rare that your challenged or surprised by a song, that it essentially doesn't happen.
Of course there are exceptions. KEXP is an incredible public radio station out of Seattle that plays all kinds of interesting music. You can hear them online and really expand your music knowledge. In rare cities, you get the "Adult Alternative" format, which attempts to mix some classic rock with well known and not so well known national acts. And of course launch cast and other services allow you to select some pretty interesting stuff.
But what about just turning on the radio, hearing a local dj who knows music. He or she focuses on some local music. They mix in an incredible popular song, and then throw in an obscure song from a band you know but haven't heard in years. You feel like you actually get to know them, and trust their music tastes. I suppose it is the radio used to be. Might be nice to go back to it someday.


Blogger Plantation said...

I'm sure, being an avid reader of my blog ;-), you know my stance on music. But, in case you forgot,

8:18 AM  
Blogger Gatsby said...

I have most of my music knowledge from the late 80's early 90's era, before the demise of most top 40 radio stations and the emergence of "alternative". But, I moved into classic rock, and then am now in a hodge of many different genres.

1:46 PM  

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