Thursday, October 06, 2005

Some random thoughts

So I've been slacking quite a lot in writing my blogs. It's not completely intentional. We've had the Jewish holidays. I have had a few trips. I've got a few more coming up. I have to work occasionally too. Yes, these are all excuses, but such is life. I'll try and post slightly more frequently as I'm afraid my small, loyal audience will slowly fade away.
In general, life has been good. Work has good days and bad, but is generally good. I had a great few days off exploring England. I spent last weekend with my family, spending quite a bit of time chatting with my almost year-old nephew.

He's grown up so much. I'm amazed at what he understands and figures out. He's got his father's knack for gadgetry and he learns words every day. While I was there he mastered the word "salsa", and developed a strong taste for the stuff. When we went out to a Mexican/Salvadoran restaurant, I think he ate his weight in chips and salsa. I'm so glad I got the chance to look after him, as I don't see him very much. I can't wait to see him grow up and see what he will accomplish.

In politics lots of things are happening: Bush's Supreme Court justice pick, Tom Delay and other Republicans in trouble, budget deficits and low public opinions. Even with these events the Democrats are scattered and weak. John McCain thankfully proposed a bill to the senate with the radical notion that we ought to treat detainees humanly. Fortunately, Bush has threatened to veto this crazy idea if it reaches his desk. It won't of course, because it will have to pass the House of Representatives. If they see common sense and moderation in a bill it tends to get pushed out along with any idea proposed by a Democrat. Good fun.

So, those are a few of my random thoughts. Hope the loyal readership is doing well.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

L'shanah tovah!

I understand the running around like a chicken with your head cut off excuse. Sometimes you just have to put things on the back burner for awhile.

Hope all is well!! And spend as much time as possible witht he nephew. My niece is 5 now and in kindergarten and I often find myself asking, "How?!?! We're you born yesterday?!"

10:09 AM  

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