Sunday, July 03, 2005

A few good wishes

I've got two or three half-finished posts just hanging around in my drafts folder.
One was another attempt to say something deep and profound about American culture and sex. Another is a tribute to a good friend of mine who is leaving town after finishing her PhD. A third examined the question of whether or not we should be patriotic. A final one, coincidentally enough, was about writer's block.
None of these seem to want to get up, flop on my screen and become proper posts. So instead, I'll write a simple post to just be happy. Appreciate those in your life that come and go into it. If you have a lover, screw what Americans think about sex, and enjoy what you're lucky enough to have. If you don't have one, count on the fact that when you are ready for it, it will come.
Be patriotic. Be proud about who you are and where you came from. Enjoy the irony and humor that surround you. (Apparently only 20% of humans are wired to understand irony. Appreciate the irony in that fact that one of 80 that doesn't understand it made a hit song about it). Finally, if you're an American have a great Indpendance day. If you're not, have a great July 4th.


Blogger Plantation said...

Have a great holiday GG. Thanks as always for your continued support. PT

6:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

of course, the real irony is that said song wasn't about irony at all. Isn't *that* ironic? Hope you had a great 4th!

8:28 AM  

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