Monday, June 27, 2005

More seasonal thoughts

So I've been a bit slack in posting recently. You'll have to forgive me.
Well, I suppose you don't have to forgive'll just stop reading the blog for a while until it seems like I can start writing regularly again.
Well, I try I suppose, but it's the summer.
I'm a bit obsessive about getting out in the summer. If it's still warm and sunny outside when I come home from work then I must get out in it. Even if it's just sitting somewhere and reading a book: it's something. I'm out of the house. On the weekends, if I haven't gotten out of the house by 10, I feel guilty. I'm waisting the day. It's the summer. Get out into it.
I've put a few posts about the effects the season has on me. I am a seasonal person. I think it's healthy to have the weather impact your life from time to time. It humbles you. It forces you to relate or get help from other people. It reminds you don't always have control over every detail in your life.
I think it's one reason people from southern California are a bit crazy: they've no weather to mellow them out. It's also the reason the northern boondocks is just a little bit mellower than southern boondocks. Compare Texas or Oklahoma to Wisconsin or Minnesota. I can tell you where I'd rather live. The northerner's have at least some respect for their environment, and hopefully for other people. Eating seasonal foods (farmer's markets are great for this), drinking seasonal beer, playing seasonal activities: all of these are important. It always gives you something to look forward to, and something to miss.
So while you are sweltering in the heat, or watching a thunderstorm roll by from your air-conditioned home, take some time to appreciate the summer. The leaves will begin to fall soon enough.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here, here! Nothing better than sitting outside in the summer, watching a baseball game, enjoying a frosty beverage. Unless it's sitting on a porch with a glass of iced tea at dusk. Aaaah!

9:22 AM  
Blogger Tamara said...


Intersting perspective though. When it rains (which is more of a drizzle) I love to be out in it. I love a nice warm day, but I don't die to go out every day. Heck, in San Diego, I'd have to quit my job to be outside on all the lovely days :)

11:19 AM  
Blogger Gatsby said...

Not ALL Californians are crazy, just most :).
I find it strange that same the parts of the country with outdoor weather nearly round have some of the worst automobile sprawl. Southern California and Arizona should be very pedestrian friendly. Alas, they are not...

6:31 PM  

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