Sunday, July 10, 2005

10 Seconds of My Fifteen Minutes

I was on tv today. No, I didn't get arrested or get seen streaking across the field in a baseball game. It was for my job. The reporters were doing stories on hurricane Dennis, so they did a story about our research lab in the University of Wisconsin. My boss was out of town, so I was put under the gun instead.
It was actually pretty straightforward. I was afraid of being asked a strange "Is this the end of the world, and what does it have to do with global warming, el nino, the solar cycles, and the price of pencils in northeast china?" type question. Reporters have been known to do that sort of thing.
But no, it was really just explaining how we use satellites to study hurricanes from Wisconsin. They just happened to have a camera rolling to tape the conversation. From our ten minute conversation, I was on for about 10 seconds: quite a lot for tv news standards I think. They showed some of our images, our building, and a quick quote from me. Kinda fun.
It's quite strange to see yourself on camera. It seemed sage-like, witty, and clear when I delivered it. When I saw myself say it, I thought it was dorky, awkward and odd. Well maybe that's a bit harsh, but it definitely did not look natural.
Oh well, it was a cool opportunity. When the future tv contracts come pouring in, I'll invite you all out to the parties.


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