Monday, January 02, 2006

The hiatus is over

Wow...such a long hiatus since my last blog. As I write this post it's gray and drizzly outside. It's perhaps my least favorite type of weather: rain and nearly freezing. Ice forms if the temperature drops a little; But for now, it's just dreary and wet. As you can imagine my impetus for venturing outside is quite low.
My holidays were quiet and comfortable. I had the pleasure of sharing them with someone special this year, partially explaining my long absence from blogging. I'm not really into personal posts, so I won't go into too many details. But it made the relaxing time of year more special to be able to share them. Lighting the Chanukah candles with family and friends is practically a necessity: It's never fun to light them by yourself.
New Year's eve was spent with friends as well. It was a chance to be goofy, to dance, to eat and drink, to just enjoy a moment.
I guess that is what the holidays are about: enjoying moments. Whether you are opening presents under a well-lit pine, lighting candles, drinking champagne, or just laughing with family and friends, you have to take the time to enjoy where you are. We focus too hard on getting the right gift, on finding the best party, even on pleasing all of our relatives. It's not about that. Even "tradition" can be overemphasized. Tradition is good, but it's based on the past. If you aren't living a little bit in present you're missing the point.
So now we face the rest of the winter. I look forward to the same things I always do: skiing, walking, good food, laughter with friends, a nice pint of beer, and of course, a few days of sunshine.
As for this blog, I will continue with the periodic postings. Although I do not write often, I enjoy this chance to write and reflect a little bit. Hopefully you'll find the time to continue reading.


Blogger Plantation said...

Happy New Year, GG. Glad you've found someone to share some good times with.

2:21 PM  

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