Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Welcome to summer. We're deep in the thick of it, with temperatures near and into the 90s throughout the country. Perhaps it's the summer heat that's keeping me from coming up with interesting things to say. Perhaps it's that I'm really busy with summer activities: volleyball, softball, running, etc.. so I don't have time to reflect. I'm not really sure.
I've already commented a little on current events. I really only have one word: scary.
It's still scary. Israel is trying to balance a fine line between defending itself and destroying it's own self-interest. US foreign policy is exploding everywhere, and domestic policy is continuing it's busy and contentious debates between the rich and the poor, the city and the country, the feds and the state, and of course the liberals and the conservatives.
My own life is going pretty well. My job is good. My family is doing well: my dad is retiring at the end of the month. My girlfriend is still wonderful.
So how do you balance the calm sunny days of my daily life with the occasional rumblings of thunder of the greater world?
Mostly, you can't. You just have to live your life. I remember my parents got married and my dad got his law degree in 1968. It was tumultuous year for the country with the deaths of MLK and RFK, among other things. But, you just have to take each day as it comes and enjoy life as you can. The summer will be over before you know it.


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