Sunday, December 05, 2004

Searching for a Hobby

So here I number two. I suppose I'll stop counting these things after a while, but hey, I'm still pretty new at this.
So I'm sitting in my apartment on a gray sunday evening and wondering what to do.
I realized something, mainly after talking to my sister. I don't really have any hobbies. I mean, hobbies that I can do any day to keep productive when I'm not working.
I love to read, and listen to music, but I can't play an instrument to save my life. I suppose this writing is a bit like a hobby, but we'll see how long it actually lasts. I'm going to try of course: but how many blogs have a few initial posts and flutter off to nothing; I imagine quite a few.
I like to ski, and do yoga once a week, and those are sort of hobbies. But skiing depends on the weather and costs too much to do regularly. Yoga is great, and I suppose it sort of fits, but it is not something I've moved to do every day.
I guess I just want something else that defines me outside of my job. Something I'm good at, something I can teach to other people, and continue to learn about.
Maybe that's why I'm writing: it can help sort some of these thoughts out. I'll seek inspiration within myself! I figure I'll continue what I've always done: I try new things and succeed at not being very good at them. At least I can't be accused of being single-minded.
Oh well, enough for now.


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